
From the Archives: 50 immigrants deported in 1935 to a host of countries

In 1935, dozens of detained immigrants began a journey home in a train trip supervised by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. On Aug. 13 of that year, a Southern Pacific train left Los Angeles with 50 deportees.

A story in the Aug. 14, 1935, Los Angeles Times reported:

Behind the barred windows of five railroad tourists cars, fifty persons from other lands started homeward yesterday under the care of United States Immigration officers.

The principal guest of Uncle Sam being escorted to the borders of the nation is Carlos Tamborrell, Mexican tour promoter, politician in local Spanish-American circles and self-styled native American.

Tamborrell, accompanied by his two children, Mary Louise, 5 years of age, and Carlos, Jr., 7, were aboard the train when it departed from the Southern Pacific Station at noon. Aboard it were twenty-nine persons from Southern California and twenty-one from San Francisco.

They were going to Rumania, Germany, England, Canada, Mexico, Italy and Ireland. All had violated various immigration laws, most of them having been found to be illegally within this country. Other deportees will be gathered aboard the train, which is under the direction of Immigration Inspector Kline, at Colton, Yuma, Tucson, El Paso, Dallas, Galveston, St. Louis, Chicago and Detroit.

Tamborrell was ordered deported by immigration authorities after an investigation extending over several months. He asserts he is a native of Los Angeles and declared, just before the train left, that he will return here shortly. …

Also being deported, to Mexico, were Soledad Zarragoza and Ana Maria Gonzales. Dorothy Barber was headed back to Canada.

I was unable to find additional information about Carlos Tamborrell.

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