
Floyd Mayweather Jr.-Manny Pacquiao weigh-in a heavy ticket too

Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather fans show their support as they await the start of Friday's weigh-in in Las Vegas.

Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather fans show their support as they await the start of Friday’s weigh-in in Las Vegas.

(Frederic J. Brown / AFP / Getty Images)

Tickets for Friday afternoon’s Floyd Mayweather Jr.-Manny Pacquiao weigh-in had a face value of $10, with proceeds going to a pair of charities. But some scalpers weren’t feeling so charitable, with some fans online saying they have been asked to pay as much as $100 on the secondary market.

Las Vegas police estimated as many as 500 people were waiting in line before the doors to the Grand Garden Arena opened around 11:30 Friday morning, more than three hours before the weigh-in was to start.

“This is special, isn’t it?” asked Melvin Tarrant, who traveled from London with his brother and nephew to attend the weigh-in. “This fight has been so long coming. We just want to see it.”


The trio will watch Saturday’s fight on closed-circuit TV.

Luis Martinez, a 28-year-old T-Mobile sales associate from Chicago, came with 13 friends. They all booked their reservations before the fight was announced, saving thousands. But still, Martinez figures his time in Las Vegas will cost at least $1,500. He and his friends, the majority of whom are cheering for Pacquiao, will also watch the fight on closed-circuit.

“And that’s just your average Joe guy just trying to watch a fight,” he said. “You know what, though? This is the fight that everybody’s been waiting for. So this is the fight to see.

“That’s why we’re here.”

Read the Los Angeles Times’ special edition Flipboard digital magazine Mayweather vs. Pacquiao
