
Thirteen Dodgers questions for the morning after Magic Johnson

Does Magic¿s group automatically mean the fans will return?
(Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times)

Is there such a thing as a nonalcoholic hangover? When you wake up and think, did that really happen last night?

Oh, yes, it absolutely did. Magic Johnson’s group did buy the Dodgers. And if you feel like Snoopy with your little happy feet buzzing and keeping you a foot off the ground, that doesn’t mean in the hard light of the next morning there are not plenty of unanswered questions.

Here are 13, because I like odd numbers:

1) Is Jamie McCourt thinking maybe she didn’t negotiate such a great deal after all?

Hard to weep for someone with a $131-million payday coming next month, but that still leaves her about $450 million shy of her half of the Dodgers.


2) What exactly does it mean that Frank McCourt and “certain affiliates” of the new ownership are “forming a joint venture to acquire the Chavez Ravine property for an additional $150 million”?

Easily the most disappointing aspect to this sale is that McCourt has apparently kept an interest in the parking lots. Unimaginable.

3) If Guggenheim is going to be the main owner, does that mean the Dodgers finally get a museum?


4) If the Dodgers are worth $2 billion, what are the Yankees worth? Or maybe more relevant, what are the Padres worth?

5) If you were buying the Los Angeles Dodgers, why would you have a press conference announcing the sale in New York?

Guess that occurred to them too. The New York press conference on Wednesday was called off.


6) Is concern by The Times’ T.J. Simers correct on the possible return of Magic confidant Lon Rosen? I love rock ‘n’ roll, just not between batters.

7) Does Magic as the head man and Stan Kasten as the main baseball executive kill the other dream of Derrick Hall returning to the Dodgers?

8) What is the world’s record for most money ever made by taking a company into bankruptcy? This has to be it, right?

9) Do you spend $2 billion on a sports team and not plan to create a dynasty?

10) Does Magic’s group automatically mean the fans will return?

11) If you’re Andre Ethier, are you stupidly happy today?

This is a contract year for Ethier, who can become a free agent at the end of the season.

12) Really, exactly who is Mark Walter?

13) If you’re Steven Cohen are you still waiting for the auction to begin?
