
Theater department at OCC releases schedule

The works of renowned playwrights Jean Paul Sartre, William Shakespeare and Horton Foote lay ahead for the Orange Coast College Theatre Department, which recently announced it’s 2007-08 season.

The season includes existential drama, opening with Sartre’s “No Exit” on Sept. 13, vaudeville acts and short comedy sketches with the return of “Comedy Pirates,” slated for Nov. 9 and 10. It will conclude with Alex Golson directing “Much Ado About Nothing” May 1 through 10.

The college’s repertory company will also celebrate its 23rd season with “Romantic Fools” running Sept. 28 to 30 and “Old-Fashioned Christmas Melodrama and Ice Cream Social” — with ice cream and cookies for all attendees — playing two weekends in December.


For m a complete schedule, go to or call (714) 432-5640.

— Jessie Brunner
