
Citizen group goes for ballot

A Newport Beach citizens group that wants a public vote on major city borrowing on Monday moved its ballot proposal a step closer to qualifying for the November election, filing petitions with more than 7,400 signatures of support.

Newporters for Responsible Government filed the petitions with the city clerk Monday. The ballot measure would require voter approval before the city could pay for public improvements using Certificates of Participation if they would take longer than two years to repay or cost more than $3 million.

Newport Beach City Clerk LaVonne Harkless confirmed receipt of the 7,411 signatures Monday.


Group spokesman John Buttolph said it was the city’s plan to finance a new city hall with certificates of participation that led the group to circulate petitions to collect the signatures .

A certificate of participation is similar to a bond except it is structured to look like a lease, Buttolph said.

“It is done that way to avoid voter approval ? it is a loophole” in the law, Buttolph said, referring generally to such vehicles of financing.

He said many residents do not object to a new city hall but don’t like the use of certificates of participation which circumvent voter approval.

In order to put the issue to a vote, any group is required to collect the signatures of 10% of a city’s registered voters, Buttolph said. The group needs 6,006 signatures in order to qualify for the ballot.

Buttolph said he made the petition retroactive to the date of the submission of signatures, so the council cannot act on financing prior to the election.

Harkless said she will check the validity of the signatures and review the format of the petition prior to the 30-day deadline, which will lapse May 15.
