
Quite a collection

Suzie Harrison

Not a bad use of talent.

Local artists have donated more than 113 pieces for an auction

that will benefit the Laguna College of Art and Design. The 15th

annual Collector’s Choice fundraiser is Saturday and will add to the

financial aid available to students at the college.

“The work is intensive and so rewarding,” said Terry Smith, this

year’s chair. “The generosity of the artists, volunteers and sponsors

is simply phenomenal.”

The arts commissioner worked on the committee last year and

volunteered to chair for this year’s event. He had plenty to say

about the work donated for the charity. Describing the piece donated

by artist Tom Swimm as breathtaking and telling how impressed he was

with the design and tones of a work by Anne England’s piece.

“Our expectations for the event is to exceed last year’s gross by

50%, that’s our goal, $75,000,” Smith said.

This is the fourth year Swimm will be involved.

“Each year I’ve donated an original painting,” Swimm said.

“Obviously it’s a very good cause to give my time to give back to our

youth. As soon as I found out about [Collector’s Choice] I was more

than happy to be involved.”

A local artist, Swimm said he is impressed with the quality of the

artists at the school and the fact that it has become world-renowned.

Laguna College of Art and Design President Alan Barkley said the

that initially Collector’s Choice was conceived as an opportunity for

newer collectors. But what started with 30 to 40 artists donating

their work has grown to more than 100.

“We receive enormous support with the generous donations,” Barkley


The community event is made up of several components. Tuesday

evening was the kick-off where prospective art collectors could come

see the work on exhibit.

“The committee tries to figure out what makes the most sense for

the raffle, [live and silent auctions],” Barkley said.

For the raffle a number is drawn and the person has about a minute

to decided which piece they want. All artwork in the raffle has a

number attached to it.

“Tickets with the person’s name are drawn and they shout out the

work they want, as the night goes on the excitement builds,” Barkley

said. “It’s very fun, the event moves along at quite a pace.”

Collector’s Choice will begin at 6 p.m. with a preview of artwork

in the college gallery, and is followed with wine and a buffet

dinner, entertainment, raffle and auction.

“It’s kind of California casual style, everyone is in a good

mood,” Barkley said.

Tickets are $100 per person, but chances are guests will come away

with art worth a lot more.

“A $100 ticket gives you an opportunity to win [in the raffle] a

piece of art worth several hundred dollars,” Barkley said.

The number of students at the college has grown to 300, doubling

its size in the last seven or eight years.

“We’re hoping to launch [the] MFA program in fall 2005 in

representational art and figurative painting,” Barkley said.

This type of master’s program is limited to only a few colleges in

the country and there is nothing like it yet in California.

To find out more about the fundraiser, call (949) 376-6000. Laguna

College of Art and Design is at 2222 Laguna Canyon Road. There is

plenty of free parking at the event.
