
Crime statistics show a disturbing trend

The news wasn’t the greatest, but not the worst, either. The state

attorney general’s office figures for the city of Costa Mesa show an

overall increase in crime of 1.4%, with violent crimes climbing by

10.4% in the first nine months of 2003.

In property crimes, the numbers were better, with the number of

incidents dropping by 1.6%.

But inside the numbers was a little more disturbing trend.

Incidents of rape were up 154%. And of those cases of rape, 28 of

them, two were unfounded and only four actually turned into charges

filed, police said.

Police officials say they have good reason for that. Alcohol and

date rape play a big role here, and in many cases, authorities say,

there just wasn’t enough information to make a case stick.

We don’t doubt that unfortunate reality. But the numbers seem

stark to us. It has us wondering why there’s such a lack of evidence

in so many cases. What needs to be done to put the perpetrators

behind bars?

Perhaps the answer is twofold.

There is a sense that a large majority of these cases don’t get

the attention they deserve by police officials and seeing these types

of numbers just fortifies that perception.

We urge the local authorities to find a way to change that. One

suggestion is to take a stronger tack in investigating rape

accusations and in particular, the date rape drugs that some of the

perpetrators are said to be using.

The other half of the coin should be education.

Maybe it’s time that Costa Mesa police, coupled with city or

social service agencies, make a concerted effort to attack this steep

rise in rape cases.

Rape and its emotional consequences are touchy subjects.

Many would prefer to live in denial that the crime ever happened

rather than prosecute an acquaintance who betrayed a trust. Often

times, rape victims blame themselves instead of the criminals.

If a rape occurs, the victim needs to take immediate action. They

should head straight to a hospital and inform authorities immediately

of the crime.

Whatever the reasons for the spike in rapes in Costa Mesa, the

answer on how to bring the numbers down and increase awareness are

out there. We urge city and police officials to make this a priority

in the months to come.
