City Council Meeting Wrap-Up
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The following is from the July 20 City Council meeting.
The council recognized the achievements of the AYSO Spring Select Soccer Team that won the national championship in the 13- to 14-year-old age group, which had 24 entries in the tournament. AYSO has almost 1,000 players in all age-groups in Laguna Beach, but due to vacations, only 11 were available and eligible to compete in the city’s entry in the 13 to 14 category, the exact number of players required on the field.
Councilman Kelly Boyd introduced Aggie Dougherty, who distributed seven $2,000 checks to six nonprofits and a scholarship for the son of the late Chris Castro from the proceeds of the Dave LaBohn Memorial Spring Golf Tournament, hosted annually by Boyd. Recipients also included Laguna Beach High School golf teams’ the Laguna Beach Community Clinic, accepted by Dr. Tom Bent; the Pacific Marine Mammal Center, accepted by board member Mary Ferguson; Laguna Beach Relief and Resource Center, accepted by board member Faye Chapman; the Boys & Girls Club, accepted by Bob Whalen and the Susi Q.
Faye Hezar presented a thank you from the U. S. Census Bureau to the city for its participation in the 2010 census.
Consent calendar items are approved unanimously in one motion unless a member of the council, staff or public “pulls” the item, which then requires opening it for public comment and a separate vote.
Among the items approved unanimously:
Shooting Claim
The council denied a claim, without discussion, filed by the Cochran Firm on behalf of John Koenig and Cindy Tobis, successors in interest of Colby Koenig, who was shot to death while allegedly attempting to drive away from an accident scene.
The denial was recommended by the city’s claims adjuster, with direction to send a standard rejection letter to start the six-month statute of limitations.
Koenig’s death is still under investigation and the name of the officer or officers involved in the shooting have not been made public.
Community Block Grant
A $7,228 Community Block Grant was approved to provide emergency temporary shelter for fiscal year 2010-11.
Reusable Bags
The purchase of 2,000 reusable bags from ChicoBag Co. at a cost not to exceed $13,000, to be distributed free at public events as an incentive to discontinue customers’ use of plastic and paper bags at grocery and retail stores was approved.
Historic property owners’ taxes
Two Mills Act agreements that will reduce the historic property owners’ taxes, with the reductions to be used for maintenance of structures
World Trade Center art
The council approved the donation of a piece of steel from the World Trade Center, if the dimensions are as requested, the offer by Mark Porterfield to fund the shipping costs and direction to the Arts Commission and Fire Department to development a public art proposal for council consideration.
Seismic improvements
The council approved support for grant applications for seismic improvements to Mission Hospital Laguna Beach.
Metal storm drains repairs
Bids were reviewed for repairs to the city’s 43 metal storm drains.
An $820,307 contract was awarded to Excel Paving Co. to reconstruct or line the storm drains.
City Hall Slope stabilization report No action taken
The council was briefed on options under consideration to prevent rock falls, shallow debris flows and soil slips down the hillside in back of City Hall. The fuel island equipment in the old corporation yard and the safety of personnel who work near the slope are of particular concern.
Geo Firm submitted six options. Public Works has budgeted $300,000 for the project.
Options will be forwarded to the Planning Commission for design review and recommendations. Cost is a consideration, as well as aesthetics.
Heisler Park Grant authorization
The council adopted a resolution to an agreement with the state water board for Phase III of the Heisler Park Protection and Preservation Project.
The city will get $2.5 million from the state toward the project, which is estimated to cost $4 million.
Billing for Sewer Service, Trash fees
The council approved the placement of fees for sewer service and residential trash collection on the county tax roll.
Monthly bills are avoided. Fees are paid once or twice a year, depending on how the resident pays property taxes.
Billing for weed abatement
The council approved placing fees on the tax rolls for clearing weeds from private property whose owners abdicate their responsibility.
Property owners are given the opportunity to protest inclusion on the list and if not removed will be assessed by the county.
Fees this year totaled $25,981.03 for clearing the weeds on 66 parcels.
Amendments to seven zoning ordinances and the Local Coastal Program were approved.
The ordinance changes relate to split-zoned parcels; appeal requirements; provision of reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities; definitions of family, household and single household unit; short term lodging units; changes in plans appealed to the council; and time limits on restoration of a non-conforming structures.
The ordinance changes trigger amendments to the Local Coastal Program. Certification of the amendments by the California Coastal Commission was requested.
Stone wall, steps approved in right-of-way
The council approved a request by the property owner at 2958 Chillon Way for a revocable encroachment permit to build a 2-foot-high stone wall and paving steps at grade level in the unimproved public right-of-way.
Anything built under the terms of a revocable encroachment permit is subject to removal if deemed necessary by the city.
If You Go
What: City CouncilWhen: Closed session 5 p.m.; public meeting 6 p.m. Aug. 17