
Readers React: A totally exonerated president doesn’t stonewall Congress

To the editor: The last several years of intensifying sniping between the executive and legislative branches of our government have culminated in something close to a constitutional crisis. Now, the American people must hear the truth, regardless of what it tells them.

The president and his supporters in Congress say subpoenas for Donald Trump’s tax and business records and the full report by Justice Department special counsel Robert S. Mueller III are an extraordinarily complex charade to create the grounds for impeachment. The Democrats say they want to know more about Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and attempts by Trump to obstruct Mueller’s investigation.

Mueller’s report, in its calculated inconclusiveness, is intended to serve as the guide for getting at the truth. Sworn testimony from everyone involved is the next logical step. The House can then gauge if there is any real basis for impeachment.


Given that President Trump’s side refuses to cooperate, we must ask: If there was “nothing” to investigate, then what is there to hide? If we do not get the truth, then we have been betrayed at the highest level.

Dan Linn, La Jolla


To the editor: In 2012, the Republican-controlled House held Atty. Gen. Eric J. Holder in contempt of Congress. What did it mean? Nothing.

Now, the Democrats hold Atty. Gen. William Barr in contempt of Congress. What does it mean? Nothing. I think I’ll take a nap now.


Jeff Whitfield, Santa Ana


To the editor: It is a shame that Trump’s well-known modesty forces him so desperately to oppose sharing with Congress and the American public the unredacted Mueller report that “totally exonerates” him.

Edward A. Ruttenberg, Rancho Palos Verdes


To the editor: If Trump and the GOP are correct — that congressional oversight of the executive branch is a non-starter — then why on Earth did Hillary Clinton subject herself to days of withering questioning from House Republicans on the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, and other issues?

Just curious.

Ken Greenberg, Los Angeles

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