
Readers React: As long as he stays in Russia, Snowden’s a traitor

To the editor: Lest anyone think based upon one letter writer’s opinion that Edward Snowden “should be invited to return to his home and receive the recognition and acclaim he has earned” is a notion shared by all, I for one strongly disagree with the tenor of his letter.

However, I do believe the part of the letter that suggests Snowden return to the homeland he betrayed is valid.

I recognize there is a fine line between being a whistle-blower and a traitor. A whistle-blower states his case and faces the consequences; a person who releases classified information that he swore to protect and then hides in an enemy country is a coward and a traitor.


I am willing to wait until Snowden returns and has his day in court before it is decided whether he is a hero or a traitor. But as long as he hides in a foreign country, I will judge him to be a traitor, not a hero.

Jim Higgins, Huntington Beach

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