
Readers React: Mormon temple’s brown lawn an example for California

The once-green grass in front of the Mormon Temple on Santa Monica Boulevard in West L.A. has become parched since the church stopped watering it about a month ago because of the drought.

The once-green grass in front of the Mormon Temple on Santa Monica Boulevard in West L.A. has become parched since the church stopped watering it about a month ago because of the drought.

(Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Bravo to the workers at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Westside temple for being good citizens and setting an important example for our city by letting their expansive lawn go brown. It’s a great first step. (“Mormon Temple in West L.A. lets its landmark lawn turn brown,” May 10)

When I look at the photo of the 13-acre swath of brown, I envision a hillside teeming with native plants and oak trees. I imagine a home and breeding ground for birds, bees, butterflies and other creatures. I see a unique opportunity to educate people on the Westside about how beautiful our natural California landscape is.

Who knows, perhaps many will be inspired to rip out their lawns.

Evelyn Baran, Beverly Hills


To the editor: Catalina’s drastic job- and business-killing drought response is a microcosm for how things are likely to go on the mainland. (“Building boom and drought collide on Catalina Island,” May 8)


Almonds by themselves use about 10% of California’s developed water supply. Chopping down the almond orchards would save more water than forcing 97% of Californians to chop their water use by 50%.

Ironically, even today farmers are planting new almond trees in the San Joaquin Valley.

By forsaking Econ 101 pricing logic and common sense by using non-price mechanisms for rationing water, we will get nonsense outcomes that destroy businesses and jobs. As the economy shuts down so agriculture — which uses 80% of California’s developed water supply and is responsible for less than 3% of the economy — can keep going, modern-day Joad families will emigrate from California until we reach a new equilibrium with a much smaller economy and fewer people.

At least the freeways will become less congested.

Joel W. Hay, Calabasas


To the editor: Avalon City Councilwoman Cinde MacGugan-Cassidy fears that residents may have to limit themselves to three-minute showers. Her concern is misplaced: As anyone with a stopwatch can confirm, three minutes is more than enough time to do the job.


Californians had better get used to the idea that a 10-minute shower is an extravagance we can no longer afford.

Philip Bourdillon, Monrovia

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