
Smile, it’s Magic! What could go wrong? Well . . .

Urber Dodgers fans, Kathleen Enriquez and Mike Enriquez pose alongside the Magic Johnson statue outside Staples Stadium.
(Barbara Davidson/The Los Angeles Times)

It sounds so good.

You trade Magic for McCourt and how can it be a bad deal?

But then you know me, Clayton Kershaw goes eight wonderful innings and all I can think about is Jonathan Broxton warming up.

I hear Magic Johnson’s name and I’m wondering who picks Nancy Bea Hefley up off the floor knowing Lon Rosen is attached at the hip to Magic.

You remember Rosen, who was Magic’s agent and who now works at Magic Johnson Enterprises. He worked for Frank McCourt’s Dodgers, scaling back Hefley’s work on the organ while turning up the volume on the music in Dodger Stadium and silencing Ross Porter.


He helped come up with the slogan “This is L.A. Baseball.” Got paid for it, too. He also took notice of the Angels’ Rally Monkey and explored the idea of the Dodgers’ having their own mascot for the first time in franchise history.

Too bad he was fired before he got the chance to put together a Rally Dog campaign.

Now maybe Magic is smart enough to put a leash on Rosen and allow him nowhere near Dodger Stadium again.

The thing is, as good as Magic-for-McCourt looks right now, we just don’t know.

We know we love the guy as a basketball player, but not so much as a talk show host. We know almost nothing about the Guggen-whatever thing that will own the team.


Reports are the Guggen-whatever paid $2 billion for the Dodgers, which is sickening. It’s not my money, but the Parking Lot Attendant leaves a winner, and it’s never good when a loser comes out ahead.

There had been talk before the final process that the other two groups insisted that the parking lots be included in the final sale, but Magic was not so insistent.

Strike one.

Magic’s smile doesn’t do a thing for me as Dodgers owner if I have to see McCourt’s face again.


Maybe all that matters is getting the team, and Guggen-whatever had to play the game the way McCourt wanted it played. I can’t imagine doing business with McCourt. Guggen-whatever, it would seem, will be doing so again if McCourt is free to mess with land that skirts the parking lots.

Strike two.

Now I think I know what everyone of you out there is saying right now: “Hooray!”

Nothing else matters beyond the fact McCourt is gone.

But most of you were saying the same thing when Fox sold the franchise and the McCourts promised a family experience.

And for some it took almost seven years and the McCourts’ announcing publicly they were getting a divorce before everyone figured out just what they were like.

As for Magic, he owned a minority piece of the Lakers, and how much of a role did he play in the Lakers’ day-to-day affairs?

He sold his interest, and now here he is again as minority owner of a baseball team as if that’s the big news.

But before going all gushy about Magic, what about the folks who will actually be writing out the checks, the Guggen-whatever and how it might conduct business?


Anyone who spends $2 billion is probably going to expect a standing ovation and the red carpet when it arrives.

Maybe it’s just me, but I would hope to greet the Guggen-whatever with tough questions.

Was this primarily a TV network buy? Is Guggen-whatever going to be any different than Fox owning the Dodgers? Why would you agree to allow McCourt anywhere near Dodger Stadium?

If someone spends $2 billion — and who spends $2 billion? — you would think they’re not going to mess this up. As it is, they probably think $2 billion proves them worthy to own the Dodgers.

But it’s going to take a whole lot more than that to be successful. Good judgment would be a great start.

Can’t wait to see whom they hire in public relations, the McCourts never getting it right, and we’ll learn a lot about the Guggen-whatever from the way it deals with the public.

Former NBA, NHL and MLB executive Stan Kasten is listed as part of the group. He was Atlanta Braves president during the height of the team’s success, leaving all baseball decisions to general manager John Schuerholz.


He also worked as president of the Washington Nationals. No reason why he can’t be successful here so long as the Guggen-whatever is also worthy.

Instead of Magic, that’s where we have to start. Just what are we getting in Dodgers ownership?

I like the fact that Arte Moreno walks the Angel Stadium concourses, the fans telling him the beer is warm and he takes notes.

I like the fact there are rumors that Vinny Del Negro might be out as Clippers coach and Donald Sterling stops partying long enough to address the issue.

I like the fact that Jim Buss went on the radio last week taking questions from fans.

I’ve never liked the recluse that is Philip Anschutz, the Denver resident leaving Tim Leiweke here as his spokesman.

When it came to building a football stadium, Leiweke told us he could do it, but he had to wait for the nod from Anschutz. I wish we could have seen that nod.


How frustrated are Kings’ fans not knowing if Anschutz gives a hoot beyond financial considerations whether their team wins?

What’s the downside of being skeptical and asking tough questions that might become annoyingly persistent?

Does it really matter what Magic says, or the former NBA, NHL and MLB executive? Just who is in charge here?

Do you really want to be surprised again and find yourself duped by a corporation like Fox that really never cared, or owners like the McCourts who always seemed to be out to an expensive lunch?

Sorry, but I’m already looking beyond Magic’s smile.

[email protected]
