
Charles Ornstein

Los Angeles Times reporter since 2001
The Dallas Morning News, intern, 1995-96; reporter, Metro section, 1996-97
Health care business reporter, 1997-2000; Washington correspondent, 2000-2001
The Daily Pennsylvanian, University of Pennsylvania, executive editor, 1995
The Chronicle of Higher Education, Washington, D.C., intern, 1994

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia B.A., History and Psychology, May 1996. Summa Cum Laude. Phi Beta Kappa. Dean’s List 1992-96.

Born: April 1, 1974. Detroit, Mich.

Los Angeles Times Editorial Awards, Best Beat Reporter, 2003.
Finalist, Livingston Award for coverage of medical errors in hospitals, 2003.
Katie Award, Press Club of Dallas, Best Business News Story, 2000.
Finalist, Livingston Award for coverage of employer-sponsored health care, 2000.
Media fellow, Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 1999-2000.
Award of Merit, Texas Medical Assn., 1999-2000.
Katie Award, Press Club of Dallas, Best Business Feature Story, 1999.
Finalist, Livingston Award for coverage of American Home Products Corp, 1999.
