
Emmy chat: Join Gillian Jacobs of ‘Community’ and ‘Girls’ on Tuesday

Actress Gillian Jacobs pulled double TV-duty this year to differing results.

She continued her arc as Britta Perry, the unstable do-gooder in the Yahoo-resurrected “Community” -- playing jokes for laughs. And she made her debut as Mimi-Rose Howard, Adam’s independent and mature girlfriend on “Girls” -- where the laughs were more incidental.

On Tuesday, maybe there will be a little of both when Jacobs stops by the Los Angeles Times for a chat at 11 a.m. PDT.

We’ll get her thoughts on “Community’s” jump to an online-only platform, playing the nice girl on “Girls” -- and, obviously, we’ll want to know what she really thinks about toothbrush-chewing Ace (Zachary Quinto).

We’ll also be taking your questions, which you can leave in the comments section here or tweet to us using the hashtag #askLATimes. See you Tuesday!


I tweet about TV (and other things) here: @villarrealy
