
Lung cancer took his life; maybe others can be saved

Lung cancer, found in later stages, offers little hope. Randy Zisook was one of those diagnosed with advanced stages of lung cancer. Toward the end of his life, he warned others about the dangers of cigarette smoking by sharing his diagnosis and his story in a very public way.

“This is going to affect all of us for the rest of our lives,” says his wife, Lori Zisook, who has vowed to continue her husband’s awareness campaign. She recounts his life and explains her crusade in this Chicago Tribune story.

Early detection is difficult, but not impossible, as explained in this Los Angeles Times story about CT scans.


Of course, quitting smoking (or not starting) is the most obvious way to avoid one of the deadliest forms of cancer. And here’s a great day to stop: Nov. 18, during the Great American Smokeout. The American Cancer Society’s campaign provides guides and resources to quitting.

Note to us all: Not all lung cancers are attributable to smoking. Scientists at an American Assn. for Cancer Research conference on Tuesday presented findings that may suggest lung cancer forms differently in smokers and nonsmokers.
