
Stepping out: Charity stages ‘rappel a hotel’ at Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego

Los Angeles Times Daily Travel & Deal blogger

Talk about room at the top. The Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego will make like the Matterhorn on Saturday as participants in a charity fundraiser called Over the Edge step out onto a deck on the 33rd floor, marvel at the high-altitude view and rappel down the side of the hotel’s tower.

It’s a 357-foot rush in 10 minutes that ends at a Landing Party for fans and spectators at the hotel’s pool deck with music, food and entertainment. (OK, supposedly it’s for charity, but this sounds like a ticket to thrill-ville to us).

The rope tricks begin at 8 a.m. and continue throughout the day for people who have pledged at least $1,000 to Kids Included Together, or KIT, a San Diego nonprofit that teaches organizations how to include disabled children in recreational, social and child-care programs. All the rappelling spots have been filled, a charity spokesman says, but anyone can watch and cheer others on. (If you decide to stay Saturday night, you can snag a room for $199 plus tax.)


So what’s it really like to take that first step into thin air? Check out this video made by Ron Donoho, editor of, who chronicled his step-by-step descent last year.
