
Pentagon to Examine More Druyun Deals

From Reuters

The Pentagon’s internal watchdog has begun investigating two additional contracts handled by convicted former Air Force official Darleen Druyun and could add three more deals to its growing list of possibly tainted procurements, the Pentagon said Monday.

Druyun is serving a nine-month prison term for violating federal conflict-of-interest laws by negotiating a $250,000-a-year job with Boeing Co. while still overseeing its business with the Air Force. She also admitted steering contracts to Boeing as far back as 2000.

“In the course of our review, in an effort to be as thorough as possible, we decided to take a look at some additional contracts,” said Marine Corps Lt. Col. Rose-Ann Lynch, a Pentagon spokeswoman.


The contracts in question include the Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System, for which Northrop Grumman Corp. is the prime contractor; and the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System, led by Raytheon Co.
