
Governor’s Luster Fades

Re “Self-Proclaimed Governor of the People Is Fading as Lord of the Polls,” column, April 7: The problem with the governor is not his fault. Arnold Schwarzenegger is caught between acting and being the governor, and therein lies the problem. Being an actor, you are given a script by the director, who wants you to perform. Being the governor requires you to think and analyze situations before you act (no pun).

When you have an actor as the governor and your director is on the wrong track with Californians, you then have someone who has lost his luster as an effective governor. Maybe “T4” would be the better way of going for Schwarzenegger in the future.

Ken Whitehead

Huntington Beach


I met Schwarzenegger when he was just Arnold. In a building in Santa Monica, my partner was standing next to Arnold, and I realized Arnold is just an average-size normal guy. Unfortunately, the voters in California only saw a superhero. Ask Jesse Ventura if a superhero can do a better job than a pro wrestler. I bet he would say, “Leave it to the professional politicians, they can have it.” Voters should study the people running for office and select them because of their accomplishments in service to the people, not their box-office success.


Tim Ashford

