
Definition of Islamic Jihad

It is evident that Bentsur holds little knowledge of Islam’s principles regarding race relations or holy war, i.e., jihad . Quoting from Huston Smith’s “The Religions of Man”:

--”Race relations: Islam stresses absolute racial equality. As the ultimate test of this is willingness to intermarry.

--”The use of force: The Western stereotype of a Muslim is a man marching with sword aloft. . . . The Koran does not counsel turning the other cheek or pacifism. It teaches forgiveness and return of good for evil when circumstances warrant--’Turn away evil for that which is better’--but these are very different from not resisting evil. Far from requiring the Muslim to turn himself into a doormat for the ruthless, the Koran allows punishment of wanton wrongdoers to the full extent of the injury they do. . . . Extend this concept to man’s social life and you have the jihad . . . in which the martyrs who die are assured of heaven.”


