
Local News in Brief : Mix-Up Over Demolition

Wrecking crews resumed razing the oldest commercial building in Whittier over the weekend, despite a court order to stop demolition pending a hearing on whether the century-old Harvey Apartments can be saved.

Superior Court Judge J. Kimball Walker on Friday ordered the city to cease demolition until a full hearing on the matter Wednesday. Whittier City Manager Thomas G. Mauk said the demolition contractor was notified of the order, but the crew never received the message.

The crew worked for about six hours on Saturday, demolishing about half of the unreinforced masonry shell of the building. Razing of the earthquake-damaged structure had been under way for about two weeks when Walker issued the restraining order.


David Dickerson, attorney for the Save the Harvey Assn., said he will ask that contempt charges be brought against the city.

Judge Walker is scheduled to inspect the Harvey Apartments today.
