
Joseph J. Casey Heads Beavers

J. Joseph Casey, former chairman and chief executive officer of Dillingham Corp., Honolulu and San Francisco, has been installed as president of the Beavers.

Formed in 1955, the Beavers are a socially oriented trade association representing heavy-engineering companies, equipment concerns and related firms. The international group has about 850 members.

Receiving Golden Beaver Awards at the group’s 33rd annual awards dinner were: George W. Saul, senior executive consultant to the Bechtel Group of Companies, San Francisco, the Management Award; Martin N. Kelley, president of Kiewit Engineering Co., Omaha, the Engineering Award; Arthur D. Poteat, vice president of Morrison-Knudsen Co., Boise, Ida., the Supervision Award, and Arthur J. Fox Jr., editor of Engineering News-Record, New York, the Service-Supply Award.
