
Milburn Switches, Signs With Sooners

A minor loophole in Stanford’s recruiting of running back Glyn Milburn from Santa Monica High School cost the Cardinal the Southern Conference co-player of the year, who has switched to Oklahoma.

Milburn, who set the state single-season rushing record with 2,718 yards in 1987, had actually signed with Stanford last Wednesday. But the assistant coach who took the letter of intent to Santa Monica left it to Milburn to take it to his parents for the required additional signature. Neither parent signed.

In a prepared statement, the Stanford athletic department said it “had received assurances that Glyn’s mother would sign sometime over this past weekend.”


Administrators admitted, however, that Milburn’s stepfather, Robert Hannock, “was not happy” with the decision to attend Stanford.

Oklahoma had continued to recruit Milburn, not uncommon even after a player has made a verbal commitment. A Sooner assistant coach spoke with Milburn on the phone last Wednesday, last Thursday and twice before finally signing him--and his parents--Friday night at 11:30.

Milburn, a 5-foot 9-inch, 165-pounder, was not available for comment Tuesday.
