
Campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire

It is with great disillusionment that I read of the defection of Mort Sahl, my hero and prophet of the anti-hero, to the now-defunct campaign of Alexander Haig (Part I, Feb. 7).

We all have differing perceptions and value systems. So it is not surprising that virtually any public figure, from Idi Amin and Hitler to Mother Teresa, can find committed supporters. But Sahl’s commitment takes the cake. He says that Haig is “the Adlai Stevenson of the right. . . . He has the courage to tell the truth to the American public.”

This is the same Al Haig who, as secretary of state of the U.S., was asked for the American government’s reaction to the rape and murder of American nuns by soldiers of the government of El Salvador. Haig’s courageous and truthful response? “Maybe they (the nuns) provoked them.”


Sahl is going through a psychotic interlude.


San Luis Obispo
