
Local News in Brief : Elsmere Canyon Accord

A land war between the cities of Los Angeles and Santa Clarita over control of Elsmere Canyon, the site of a proposed garbage dump, was averted Wednesday when county officials ruled that the area should remain under their jurisdiction.

The Local Agency Formation Commission voted to leave the canyon north of the San Fernando Valley under Los Angeles County control, denying requests from both cities to include the site within their “sphere of influence.”

Neither Los Angeles nor Santa Clarita officials opposed the LAFCO action, saying their requests to LAFCO were made merely to protect their cities’ interests.


Los Angeles City Councilman Hal Bernson, that city’s representative on LAFCO, invited Santa Clarita to become a third party to a joint-powers agreement, now between Los Angeles and the county, to develop a dump at the canyon near the interchange of the Golden State and Antelope Valley freeways.

Bernson said that Los Angeles will run out of garbage sites by 1993 and that the development of Elsmere would allow it, other cities and the county to dump there for the next 50 years.
