
Reagan’s State of the Union

From time to time the President has been described as a “lame duck” or a “loose cannon” in the White House. But in his address he said “Put on your work shoes--we’re still on the job.” That’s good advice for everyone including congressmen. For perhaps our main problems lie with the “loose goose” Congress--loose with taxpayers’ money. Instead of delivering a budget contained in 13 bills to the White House by Oct. 1, they deliver three packages weighing more than 40 pounds--over 3,000 pages of appropriations costing our taxpayers $600 billion--just in time for Christmas.

In their desire to please everyone and generate more votes for themselves, the Congress has attempted to deal with both national, international and local problems, many of which could be resolved more economically and efficiently at the local level. If the taxpayers in Santa Monica, Cucamonga and Peoria send their tax dollars to Washington to resolve local problems such as education, homelessness, crime, etc., perhaps half of those funds will never return to the local area. Instead, one-third or even 50% of the money will be siphoned off by the bureaucratic staffs in Washington and in regional offices. So let’s support federal balanced budgets amendment before it’s too late!


Los Angeles
